Friday, April 20, 2012


Well I know its been like 2 months since our last update. VNSTUDIOS is on a small hiatus for the moment. We've been bombarded with things from school, work, and life in general. Don't worry, this hiatus won't last forever. Some new ideas are already forming and you can expect new projects in the future. We're actually thinking about a new game that will hopefully be released before summer.

So anyway, stay on the lookout for new stuff and follow us on Twitter if haven't done so.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Biotic Defenders Is Out!

So after a long time creating this game, we are finally releasing it. To be honest, it has already reached many websites. However, we would like to have an official post about the game on our website. You can play the game right on our website. It will also be released to many more websites soon. It was a lot of hard work, so we hope you enjoy it. Spread it around. Post it on facebook, tweet it, and even put it on your own website. So what are you waiting for? Click the link to play the game right now!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stop SOPA and PIPA

We are pretty sure you guys by now have heard of SOPA and PIPA. If not, it is a bill that changes the way your Internet will be. Imagine giving the government the power to essentially censor any website they want. Content providers will just need to accuse websites (even sites like Google, Youtube, Facebook, etc.) of copyright infringement and the government can block the entire site. Although its intention of stopping piracy is noble, this is not the way to do it. VNSTUDIOS makes content and we know piracy is damaging to content creators, but there needs to be a better way to stop it. We can't give such unprecedented power to the government and to the likes of RIAA, MPAA, etc.

Google has some nice information about the laws

Call your elected officials, sign the petitions, and spread the word